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Grooming is More than Just About Looking Good

I understand that grooming can be expensive and time consuming, but we take the responsibility to take in our 4 legged friends into our homes. And with that responsibility comes taking care of all needs and one of the most important is grooming.

Regular dog grooming is an important part of looking after your four-legged friend and maintaining their overall health. Not having a regular grooming regime can result in severe matting which can harbor and hide extreme problems, such as fleas, ticks, skin infections or cuts and abrasions. 

Most dogs need to be groomed every 4-8 weeks, depending on their coat type. For example Labradors and short coated dogs don't usually require grooming more frequently than every 8 weeks. Meanwhile,  Doodles, Bichon's, Maltese, Wheaton Terriers etc should be groomed every 4 and no more than every 6 weeks, if you desire a long coat on them every 4 is best. 


Health Benefits of Dog Grooming 


• Health check- before starting the preparation work for the groom, a full nose to tail health check is performed which could catch any abnormality on your dog’s body.


• Nail cutting- by getting your dog’s nails regularly, it avoids the chances of foot problems which would eventually will affect your dog’s mobility.


• Ears- as wax in the ears attracts mites, it is important to pluck the hairs from the ears regularly and clean them with a bacterial solution.


• Bathing- The bathing procedure within grooming salons are very effective as it penetrates the whole coat and the water nozzle massages the soap through the coat.


• Mental state of your dog- a clean de matted dog promotes a good mental state.


• Peace of mind- knowing that you are a responsible dog owner by taking care of your dog’s mental health and physical well-being.


• Brushing- brushing removes dead hair, debris and dirt, distributes natural oils throughout the coat, promotes a healthier, cleaner coat and helps to keep the coat and skin healthy.


The most important advice I can give for this is to know the breed you choose and all aspects of it grooming, behavior, exercise needs and how that exercise needs fit into your routine and family.

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